About Us

NTS is a full service IT services company focussed on providing niche consulting services with vertical focus on IT infrastructure deployments. NTS is headquartered in Boston, MA and partner offices in UK and India. Using global alliance of partners and vendors, NTS delivers a complete suite of services using proven methodologies and industry best practices.

Our employees, partners and field personnel are highly experienced at supporting complex initiatives across a wide range of size and complexity. NTS’s leadership and implementation teams are comprised of individuals with years of experience working for leading organizations.

NTS brings extraordinary experience and flexibility to managing the life cycle of IT infrastructure products and services, providing full service IT solutions such as Consulting/Training and Recruitment Services.

Why NTS?


Expertise: Our clients understand we are experts on the subject matter.


Quality of Service: 'Best practices' is at the heart of any service offered by NTS. Our engineers follow well-documented and defined procedures.


Performance: At NTS, customer satisfaction and performance is the core of our engineer's responsibilities. Performance and innovation is an essential marker to rate level of service we provide.


NTS adheres to the most-strictest of standard practices in all services we provide around the globe. At all times, our client's performance and security is top-of-mind. You will find our commitment to integrity is shown throughout all aspects of our business. Please visit our Services page to gain a better understanding of what we offer.

Validated Solutions

We ensure our solutions are deployed with the highest level of quality to meet our client's every demand.This time tested Reference Architecture deployment methodology allows us to provide the level of service you would come to expect from NTS. You can be assured that we only provide solutions utilizing the validated solutions from our strategic vendors you already know.